Thursday, 8 March 2018

We Promise You A Natural Look Through Zirconia Crown

Zirconia crowns are popular in the dentistry nowadays. They are not only durable but also provide a natural and aesthetic look. The Zirconia crowns hide the damaged tooth and act as a cap over the implants, thus protecting them from any damage.

What are Zirconia Crowns?

The name itself indicates that Zirconia crowns are made of Zirconia. This is a highly durable material and strong in nature. The most important point is that Zirconia is quite compatible with the human body. Besides the crowns, Zirconia is used in many human medical applications. One such application provided by Zirconia is in joints. This material is not repelled by the human body. Out of its huge benefits, mostly Zirconia crown is preferred than Porcelain crown.

Advantages of Zirconia Crown:

Highly strong: Zirconia crowns are extremely strong and that’s why it has been chosen by many people. The strength and toughness of the crowns give longer durability than other crown types. These crowns can be able to withstand all forms of wear & tear, will last for years together.
Translucent: The Zirconia crowns are translucent. This advantage gives the crowns a realistic look. Usually, the light gets reflected from the Zirconia crowns and gives them a glittering appearance. Zirconia crown is one of the best crowns from the aesthetic point of view. If you want to place a crown on the front teeth, then it is quite important that the crown should look natural. In case of Zirconia crowns, there will not be any difference between the real and artificial tooth.
Modifiable: Zirconia crowns can be easily modified based on your needs and it can be altered based on desired size and shape. This is the greatest advantage of a Zirconia crown.

The Procedure for Fixing a Zirconia Crown:

Your teeth will be examined by your dentist and measurements will be taken to assess the size and shape of the crown.
Then, the crown is prepared. The tooth on which the crown is to be fixed made to contact with an acid that will rough its surface to make the bond between the tooth and crown stronger.
Finally, the crown is fixed

Raga Dental Centre in Thanjavur is a progressive Cosmetic Dentistry in Thanjavur who offers all kind of dental treatments especially their Zirconia Crowns in Tamil Nadu is a famous treatment in the clinic.

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